
how to write a resume


Start with the basics.

It sounds obvious, but your resume must include your name, phone number and an e-mail address that you ACTUALLY USE! Also using the very cool “sexyleggs2000” email address will not work. If needed create another account just for job searches and make sure you check it!

Keep it Simple, Easy to Read and To the Point!

First-time resume writers should divide their resume into categories: work experience, academic experience, volunteer service/extracurricular experience and last, a summary of skills. A Summary of skills is all about what you can offer an employer and should be experience and qualifications that you have and the employer’s needs. Let the job description guide you in creating this list.

Know yourself

Before you sit down to create your resume take some and think about what you want and who you are presenting it to. Are you applying for a part-time job, a scholarship or are you creating this resume to supplement a post-secondary application?

The answers to these questions will help you in creating your objective statement. Potential employers, scholarship judges and anyone else who is looking at your resume will appreciate this short to the point statement at the beginning of your resume instead of having to search it out.

Three Golden Rules of Resume Writing

  1. Use strong action verbs and leave out the word “I.” Words like created, provided, organized, adapted, and produced all say much more than “did.”
  2. Remember that your resume should be one page only – keep it short and to the point.
  3. Never send a resume without proofreading from someone else!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

You are surrounded by so many people who are here to help you. If you just need someone to proofread or help to create the whole document, we are here to help you.

Don’t let the thought of writing a resume scare you! Planning and a little research can go a long way to making this a manageable task.